Franklin County: Peter Boyer to his father, Peter
Boyer, May [?], 1863
Boyer provides a description of the Chancellorsville battle in Virginia.
Peter Boyer
May 1863
Central Virginia
Dear Father
I take my pen in hand to let you know that I am well at present hoping that these
few lines may find you in the same state of good health Further I let you know
that we had a great battle for seven days and I let you know that we had very
hard times during the fight [illeg.] We had to follow the generals
wherever they went and some times they took us in the thickest of the fight and
one day as I was riding past our Brstworks amid
the roaring of Cannon and the rattle of musketry I hurd
a fellow say to me Peter how do you do wen I looked
around and saw Denyel and [illeg.] Eackerd
coming towards me I let you know that it makes a fellow feel good to see his
brother and friend in such a time as that was
[page 2]
I must soon come to a
close for this time Write soon again and write often I give my best respect to
you and all my friends
So no more at present but remain
Your Son
Peter Boyer
A few lines to my mother I was very glad to hear that you
are enjoying good health and I saw in your letter that you would like to
know how my boarding is It is good at present but during the fight we had
predy hard times We got cofee enough and I make my own cofee,
I make it how I like it and we get sugar enough so I must come to a close
for this time
your son Peter Boyer Mother