Franklin County: Samuel W. North to [unknown
recipient], September 8, [?]
North writes about hard marching and drinking contaminated water. He also
comments on the strong line protecting Washington.
Sept 8th
Arlington Heights
we have had a very hard march yesterday (sunday). we were marched at a forsed march all forenoon towards the [deleted: long] chain bridge and the general impression was that we were going
into Maryland but a dinnertime we stopped got our dinner rested a little and
marched back this far again. we marched as fast back as we did forward. about
half the regt were lying along the road. our
company numbered 42 men but I think they are all here now. some of the men threw
their blankets away and last night some one
borowed my blanket while I was at preaching. he
brought it back this morning. I lay down on part of Bruces
[unclear: gum] blanket and put my
[page 2]
over coat on it was wet
with dew this morning. the wagons have not come up yet and the impression is
that we will go on. John Orth sayd tell pap to send his
money on to Washington and if he gets any more soon send it too. we have a
battery of 8 pieces in our brigade and some cavalry I have not seen the cavalry
yet but it is a splendid battery. you need not fear that the
[unclear: rebels] will ever get in to washington this way it is one
continuous chain of forts and entrenchments. I did not [unclear: leave]
the ranks yesterday some of the men filled their canteens with water in the
stream where their were dead horses. I saw horses with
write as soon and tell me about the rebels in Maryland and the way the people feel about it the troops are moving over as fast as they can.