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Franklin County: Sylvester McElheney to Harriet McElheney, December 17, 1864

McElheney asks his wife for a report on their farm animals and tells her that he does not need any more money.

Saturday, December the 17th, 1864

Camp in Front of Petersburg

Dear Wife,

It is with pleser that I take the oppertunth to anser your kind letter that I got this morning and was glad to here that you ar all wel and thar wos wos won Doller in it and som stamps and I am wel and geting A long verry wel and hope theas feulines wil find you all wel. You nedent send me eney more money to I rite for it for I hev som of that I [unclear: fetch] a long. I hev thre Dollers lent

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to som of the boys that I wil get before long. I pot in for a ferlow this morning but I dont suppose that we wil get them for A wile yet. I am going to pot a rin for miney and I wont you to let me no if you get it and I am to make you won and about that sadle it is awl rite. I wont you giv me All the noos. I wont you to let me now how the cow and sheap is duing if the Cow hes got a caf yet and if Stribker got that sheap at Dads er not. Hally I wod like if you wod rase the caf and you better keep your chickens so nothing more at present but remane tru husband.

Sylvester McElheney

to Harriet McElheney

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