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Franklin County: Sylvester McElheney to Harriet McElheney, March 1, 1865

McElheney scolds his wife for not writing more often. He also writes about applying for a furlough and making rings out of rebel shells.

March the 1st, 1865

Camp in Front of Petersburg

Dear Wife

It is with pleser that I take the oppertunity to let you now that I am well at present and hope theas feulines wil find you awl wel but I am begining to think that you dont cair eney thing About me for if you did you wod ten to riting a litle better then you dou. if you wod rite evry weak I wod to but I think if you dont think werthwile riting I wont ether. I hevent hed A letter from you for thre weks er more. I sent A letter with [unclear: bil Sibert] and I sent thre shirts and a revolver and a pair of gluves and a [unclear: testamont] and a ring and my watch to getit fics. I told him to fetch the watch

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back along and I won to now if he giv you them thins er no. owr ferlow is sentof and if it coms bak awl right we wel get home. we got paid of on Satterday and if we dont get going home I wil send it home to you and I wont you if [unclear: Kirk] hesent paid that money to rite to him that you wontit as soon as he kin pait for I think it is time. I am going to send you and aney a ring a peas. I maid them out the Rebels shels that tha throed over and that diden bust and I took the scroos out and maid them rings. Tel miney that I wil maike her won as soon as I kin get a scroo. So nothing more at present but remain yours. rite A little sooner then you [unclear: generally] doo.

Sylvester McElheney

If I dont get goin home I wil get some fortgraph and send them to you I wod like to hev yours.

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