Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: W. Hammett to Thaddeus Stevens, March 9, 1864

Reports the activities of Mr. Ahl of Hagerstown.

Thaddeus Stevens

March 9, 1864


Dear Sir,

I did not get to see Mr Ahl he left Hagerstown last Saturday for home I learned from his young man then that he intended going to Washington this week and probably he wants be back to Hagerstown the latter part of the week but I will not go get to see him

Mr Sweeney told me that Hughes has made sale of his works and the parties intended operating largely wants it not be [unclear: well] for you to secure that field of Burns if you can (before they take [unclear: possession] of mont alto) for they might want it

Respectfully your friend

W. Hammett

Hon Thaddeus Stevens

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