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Franklin County: Alexander K. McClure to Thaddeus Stevens, March 9, [1864?]

Requests Stevens' opinion on the prospects of Lincoln in the upcoming presidential election.

Thaddeus Stevens

Mar 9

Dear Sir

I fear we cannot carry Lincoln, especially if the Democracy take Grant.

Can the get Grant? What do you know about it? Does Washburne understand Grant, & can he, under all circumstances, be held out of the [illeg.] if Lincoln be nominated at Baltimore?

Lincoln is very strong, but will his personal strength compensate for the errors which we be charged to him?

[page 2]
[illeg.] if Lincoln should be deemed unavailable by intelligent & disinterested men, could his nomination be defeated? As matters now stand, Grant [illeg.] could do it, & [illeg.] not [unclear: he].

Write me frank & confidential as this is,

A. K. McClure

Hon T. Stevens

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