Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: Franklin Rosenbery to John Abraham Rosenbery (father), December 22, 1863

Rosenbery prays for peace and writes that he fights for God and country.

December 22, 1863

Camp near Stephensville, Va.

Kinde Father:-

This morning I again take the Liberty of inform. you that we are laying in Winter Quarters at this present time.

I am well. Happing that these few imperfect lines may find you and step-mother, brothers and sisters all enjoying good health and happiness and content.

I must still say that I am contented and satisfied feeling that I am doing my Master's Will. Although I have a great many hardships to endure whre people at home know nothing about. I am satisfied to bear these things for Jesus Sake and for the Freedom of Our Country-which I believe is not great distance in the future.

O Lord, hasten the time that wars may be done away and Peace in Our Lord prevail again.

Franklin Rosenbery

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