Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, October 22, [?]
Demus tells about the food he is eating in South Carolina and asks about the animals at
Mary Jane Demus
october the 22th Day
Morrels ilon South Carlina
Mi Dear
i take this optunity to in forme you that i Well at Present and i hope Whean thes feu lynes reach you tha may find you i the same state of healte i thot that i Wod set Down to in forme you i have nothing to dow and i thot that i Wod a muse mi Celfe in righing to you and i hope that if you [unclear: ant] at [unclear: Wash] but i hope that you Write as long as you Can fer i Will rite as long as i Can get Paper and Whean you Cant think of eney thin to rigt Wiy then tell me soming aboute the Chickens and a all aboute the Dogs an the Cats and the mice and the rats and the hogs and the sheep and the and the Cow and all the garding things fer i mus tell you that We have heads of Chabbebh and swete portato plenty pikels plenty Dry appels and green appes plenty [unclear: mow] and We have softe bread nowe all the time but that is not all yet fer if i Wast to tell you all Wiy Cume to the armey and live all the time but [unclear: sope] i for got to say that We eat hard tack hard is [unclear: Crabhber] that hard you Can soke them in Watter fer 8 Weaks and them Wat and trampe on them and maby you Can se a littel mark in them but if you don Wiy you must lok verrey Close to se the marke that you mad but i tell you that all We Want is to get home Wants a gane to [unclear: you] all gane i live to get home Wiy it Will take all the Peape that is thear to hold me fer i am as strong as a hores that is if i Was Weell at this time But i Still in hope that i Will get home a gane i thing fer i Will try to get a forlow as Sone as i Can fer i beleave that if i Stay hear long Wiy i Wont bea abele to get hom by mi Celfe and i think that i Will Com as son as i Can fer it is so hot hear that i Cant hardly stand it and the fleas is so bad that i sleape at nighte i thot that tha Was bad at home but tha ar a grate [unclear: eale] Wers
yor Dear frend
David A Demus
to Marrey Jane Dems