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Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, March 21, [1865?]

Demus remarks on the pleasure he receives from reading his latest letter from his wife, especially after the previous letters, which were "Nauthing but buse."

The New York Branch of
the U.S. Christian Commission
30 Bible House, New York

Send this as the Soldier's Messenger to his home. Let it haste to those who wait for tidings. Mary Jane Demus

March the 21 [65?]

Charlston sity

Mi Dear

Mi Dear i tak the present optunity to inform you that I am Well at present and i hope Whe thes fu lines Reach you the Ma find you in Join the grates of pleser

Mi Dear i I Receave yor kind letter [unclear: thear] [unclear: erther] Male but had Not the tim to Rite but I hope you Will excus Me for Not Rite soner but I had Not the tim But i am verry sory of What i put in the last letter But you [unclear: heave] bean [unclear: puten] on to Me verry [unclear: heave] fer the last thee or for letter that i get frum you but Mi Dear Whean i Receav yor last letter Wiy I Wass verry happy to Receave it and i hope all the Rest Ma be lik it fer Whean tha Cum lik it Wiy [unclear: yoru] Dont Now the pleser that i heav to Read them But Whean you Was Riten them hard letter Wiy i hated to open them fer I had Now pleser in Reading fer [unclear: tha] Was Nauthing but buse all the tim i after thot to Mi Celf that the Day Was gon but Whean I got this last letter Wiy I Was [unclear: left ot] oup very [unclear: hiy] But i hope and trust to god that i Ma Never heave eny shutch a thing lik that on Mi [illeg.] a gane fer i Must say that you heave Rote Me som very har letters a buot it But i Must say that this last letter i got seam lik old times fer as i Rote in Mi last letter a bout it Whean i Read the letter and it sead that or time was sort a how did i feal Wiy i Cod a [unclear: los] it Rite oup and throd it in to the fire but Mi Dear i [unclear: amt] so pasent as I ust to be i set and study a but all thes thing But I Must Close fer to Day fer We exspts to leave to Nighe Nothing Mor at present But Still Reman

yor Dear husben

David A Demus

to his Dear Wife
Mary Jane Demus

give Mi love to all the equirn feind Direct yor letter to Charston sity south Carlina Co. K 54 Mass volinters

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