Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, January 16, 1864

Demus talks about the possibility of receiving a furlough and says he expects to be paid soon.

Mary Jane Demus

Jenary the 16th 1864

Morrisilad south CarlinaHedd quarter

Mi Dear

I take this optunity to inform tha I am Well at present and I hope Whean thes fu lines Com to yor hand tha ma find you in Join the grates of healte i recve yor yor kind letter on the 16th of Jenwry and i Was happy to hear frum you i Thot it Was a bout tow year since i got a letter i thot i Wod got hom be for now but the reasen that i did not get home on a forlow Was becos tha think that We Will all get home sone and if We all Cum Wiy We Will be hom in a months tim and if We donte all Cum Wiy i Will be hom eney how me and Jacop Watson fer We have got the forlow now but We thot that it Was no [unclear: uces] to Cum till We all Cum thean We Will be pade all ar money be for We leave but you Can rite as son as you you get this letter fer if We have left the ilad Wiy the letter Will folerus i am happey to hear that you get a longe so Well since i lefte home and i Was happey to hear tha you had a Crismus diner fer i had a grat diner mi celf i had a tin of Cofey and two hard tacks for mi diner i set donon mi bed and i sed this is a hard Crismus diner then i thot of you i sead to mi celf if i Was Cloce to you i Wod a thod mi hard talk a Way but then i [unclear: tok] a [unclear: nether] [unclear: thot] i Wod [unclear: thot] them a Way fer if i Did i Wod a to dun Withe outh all day

but i am happey to say that i have oneyl taking thee drinks of Wiskey since i lefte home and i donte think that i Will ever take eney more it is time for dres parad i mus bring mi letter to a close give mi love all the frends nothing mor at present but still reman

yor Dear husben

David Demus

to Marry Jane Demus

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