Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, February 4, 1864

Demus writes that he expects to receive a furlough soon. He also mentions that he is about to participate in a "big" fight.

Mary Jane Demus

Febery the 4th 1864

Mi Dear

i take this present tim to set don to inform you that i am well at present and i hope Whean thes fu lines reach you tha ma find you in the sam state of healte i am sorry to tell you that i have not got a letter frum you for som time and i feal if soming Was rong but i hope that you ar Well that is all that trubels me for i am so far a Way frum you Whean i donte get a letter Wiy i think that you ar sick and Cant rit and you Wont tell me but i hope that you ar Well and doing Well but i am not able to tell Whean i Will get hom but i and Jacop Watson Will be the nex men that gets forlow fer tha had give us forlow but We Cod not get of i have not got time to rite much fer We ar fisking to leave i Can not tell you Whear We ar going but tha think that We ar going to heav a big fite son but god nose how Will be able to get out safe a gane but i hope that god Will spar me to be save out of this battel i must bid you god night god be With nothing mor at present but still reman

yor Dear husban

David Demus to marry Jane Demes

pleas to rit son Direct yor letter to Hilton Hed
South Carlina 54th
Mass tutes vointers
Comy K

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