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Franklin County: David Hafer to His Wife, July 5, 1865

David Hafer writes to his wife about the prospects of his return home, and about their need to follow the scriptures as a guide to raising their family.

July the 5" 1865

Camp Niar Alexandria VA

Dear Wife

I sit me down to answer your verey kinde letter wich I just received this morning. I was truly glad to hear that the children ware all well, but sorry to hear that you ware not well, but I hope you are well now, and do hope you all may remain in good health till I get hom, for it hurts me to hear that you or enny of the children are not well, and that I can not be there to see after you see that you get the attendance that you need, but I hope if you are not well that we have some freinds, but donte let trobble be your complaint I dont want you

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to trobble yourself about me not geting home for thats all wright I think I'll get home pretty soon I think in two weeks from now I'll be at home if not before, the order is ishuede to muster us out as soon as they can so it must hit us some time before long, and if you can make shift without money till then I'll not risk to send enny, some sends there money home in letters but there is so maney letters goes astray that I think id better carry it myself I do not think it will be enny longer than that till I will get home that money that I got from the butter man just let that stand as it is till I get home myself and then I'll settle with him, and if you can shift without going to town till I get home do so then you can buy all you neede and I'll take you in wright

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away. so George W Foper thought he had better save his life and loose his money, but the scriptur says he that saveth his life shall loose it, I think that was A nice cowardly off come for Poper so that the people would give him wright in leaving, but I think he had better stade and got his pay and an onerable discharge wich he had so dearly earned for its something that may be throwed up to him and perhaps to his children, I always said that Id stay till I got that and if they would keepe me till my time was up, I have had no letter from Mr Keller yet I wrote to him before we left goldsboro and have no answer yet but the next one I write he'll answer I give him my adress if I mistake not but he neglcted writeing so long that he thought that would hardly do enny more

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he requested me to write and I did so and of corse I looked for him to to reply, but its hardly worth his while to comenc to write now enny mor for if he waits about two weeks more he can talk to me if he has enny thing to say for him self, I'm glad you got the hay made, tell Abraham I am very thankfull to him that he sees that you have plenty of flour and feede and he shall furnish you with fower and feed till I get home, and then I'll pay all and I want you to feed your hogs pretty well so that they make good hogs till fall, when you write again tell me where you put your hay and how the hogs looks, you stated in your letter that I should not let myself be led into bad habbits you dont neede to be affraid god knows the army would never corrupt my morrols I believe the longe I am in the army the more morrol I get. for there is so much hard swarring and all kinds of bad works going on in the army that I get so disgusted against it so that it make me think about chaing my way of living and do better, you know that when I came home from the army before I did not [unclear: Swe] half as much as I did when I left but sorry to say that

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got pretty well in the hang of swaring again before I left and swore by times yet if I get provoked but I hope god may give me grace to over come all such bad habits for we are raising A family and I do think we ought to chang our way of living for I finde in the testement what responcibility lise upon the parents I read the criptures daly now and you do so to and I hope we may be profited by it religion is what we all ought to have thats the only thing that is shure, I ofton studdy and consult my self about and I hope that I may hve to studdy and have no rest till I take holde of the work wright I think the best we can do is to cerch the cripture and try to get an understanding of it for that our guide, and the only

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true guide we have god grant that we may take holde of the work write before it is to late, I'll soon have to stop for I'll soon have to go on gard you must excuse this bad writing for I must write in A hurry for I am on gard to day and must write inbetwene the reliefes but I hope I'll not have many letter to write till I get home for the prospects are good the day our muster out rooles are here now to be made out but I dont know wether thats correct or not. but our mager said this hole division would be mustered out in side of two weeks and I hope it may be true, for god knows that I am anxious to get home I'll now close telling you that I am well and do hope this will you all the same,

so much from ever loving husband

David Hafer

good bye write as soon as you get this
I for got about uncle Wall I can not tell you where is but he is discharged and I suppose he is at home

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I did not get this letter backed and sealed till I had to go on poste so I'll put A few words more in I said I did not know wheather it was true about the musterout being here but its tru enough they are hear and they will go to work in the morning, I'll stop

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