Franklin County: Alexander K. McClure to Simon
Cameron, April 1x, 18xx
McClure gives Cameron the lay of the political landscape on the formation of the
Republican party committee.
April 15
Dear Genl
Your favor is at [unclear: law], Like you I am amazed at the [unclear: emlarassments thenn afar] us in the formation of the committee. It is unaccountable indeed that men, so far forget themselves as to [unclear: initiative] for places on the Committee, & it is scarcely [unclear: re-conceivable] with a proper sense of duty to the party.
I am fully satisfied that
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two mistakes have been made--first in not
[unclear: passing] the committee at once, and record as Jno
& Carter not first saying to Pollack make a fair & proper
committee to [unclear: smt] the interests & the [illeg.]
of the party, But it is too late for that now, and you will both be consumed
most unjustly in any event. I am willing to take any any responsibility in the
matter that is proper,
I do not know that Mann desires to be on the Committee; but looking solely to the
harmony of action in this State, I thought it a
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matter of [deleted: ] to put him on at least I feared that his omission would be
charged to you, and upon you the state of his retaliation would fall, I hope
still that he will be added; and I would add Slocum
& let the two Lancaster Editors remain as one
cannot be taken & the other left.
What I have recently feared is an inharmonious committee, and I could not take
charge of the campaign with such. Whatever [unclear: men] are committed,
no matter upon whom the responsibility should fall, it
always falls squarely upon the Chairman; and no man
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can live long
enough to survive the suspicion of losing this election by bad management.
Things look well. The 4th district of Phila [unclear: suits] you exactly. and I judge that the 5th is also right, though the telegraph goes to their second choice, Penna must have no second choice until the Convention demands it of the [unclear: would] accomplish anything.
I can be in Washington but not, I think, until after the Phila Election I will go there about the 18th or 20 & remain until it is [unclear: over] After that I can be with you at any time & place, Command me.
Yours truly
Hon S Cameron