Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: Samuel Fisher to Edward McPherson, January 8, 1850

Samuel Fisher writes to Edward McPherson concerning debts and the Fisher estates.

Jany 8th 1850

Fayetteville Franklin county Pa

Dear Friend

In your letter to [illeg.] Hughes June 9th 1849 you say now nothing about Jas Coopers guarantee on the Release on the Fonhanon Share of H. Fisher Estate -- and that no notice has been served on you by S. Fisher not to pay Fonhanon and you say I have no Claim against him I say In the first place that a notice is put into your hand by Mr Hughes to [illeg.] you that It takes all the estate of Jacob Fisher to pay his Debts and dues and the amount coming from the Real estate Is coming from you to me Saml. Fisher Adm. of the estate of Jacob Fisher and If I failed In two Releases you must hold the money In your hand till I see you satisfy. For you sertainly know that the Debt must first be paid before the heirs can Draw any money--- However I believe you have it In your power to pay me what you have left In your hands by Susan Macks Heir I am informed By Mr [unclear: Sholl] one of them that he left twenty [unclear: D] on the Admrs account I am in [illeg.] [unclear: need] I hope you will answer this as soon as this comes to hand

Your Friend

Saml Fisher

Direct to me at Fayetteville
S. F.

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