Franklin County: Edward McPherson to [unknown], July
1, 1857
McPherson offers his suggestions to an unknown recipient for committee members
from Franklin County and Adams County.
July 1. 57.
D Sir
Yr. Circular of the 17th reached me some days ago. I immediately wrote to [unclear: Chambersburg] for the Franklin Comte. Returning home yesterday evening, I found a reply awaiting me. I presume you wished me to give comtes only for those Counties which comprised our Senatorial district, when the Natl Comte. was appointed. The Bedford man will [unclear: supply] you with the Fulton sub-comte.
I suggest the names of the following persons:
Franklin -- A.N. Rankin, Chambersburg
Geo. W. Ziegler, Greencastle
Thos. Dumroy, Roxbury
Adams -- David A. Buehler -- Gettysburg
Dr. J. L. Hill
Dr. Charles Horner
We have thought it best for the sake of efficiency to have the comte. in town. In Chambersburg they preferred the other plan.--
Yours truly
Edwd McPherson