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Franklin County: Simon Cameron to Edward McPherson, July 12, 1859

Cameron gives thanks for Edward McPherson's letter of expressed sympathies, and invites him for a visit.

July 12, 1859


My dear Sir

I thank you for your kind sympathies for indeed the shock was so great that we are all still stunned.

W C. [illeg.] Virginia [unclear: are] at [unclear: Billefouler] & will remain till Mr. [unclear: Burend] can return in [illeg.] them. It is not probable and [illeg.] get to Bedford at all this season. It was to have been a family party of which he would have been the life.

Tell me who is there or if [unclear: you] [unclear: pick] up energy enough may come along for a day or two.

Your friend

Simon Cameron

E. McPherson

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