Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: Edward McPherson to John B. McPherson, May 17, 1857

Edward McPherson notifies his father of his arrival in Philadelphia and mentions the Main Line Bill.

May 17. 57.


My dear Father -

We arrived yesterday eveg. by 7 1/2 o'clock, & [unclear: put] up at the R. [illeg.]. We discovered that no night train to N. Y. ran on Saturday night; & I presume we will not go over until tomorrow morning (Monday) which I much prefer.-- We can reach N. Y. by 10 or 11, & be in time for a day's work.-- All has gone well thus far, & promises to continue. I write a line before taking breakfast, intended doing so last evening, but neglected to do so.-- I came from Columbia on my pass, without cost.-- Love to all. Will you write a line on Wednesday, to Mr. Lawrence? I will write from N. Y., probably not until Wednesday Afternoon.

Hence if you do not hear until after that, infer all is well.

In haste,


The Gov. has signed the Main Line bill, & issued an advertisement for the sale within forty days.-- This is [illeg.] and wormwood for the Democrats.--

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