Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: Edward McPherson to John B. McPherson, September 6, 1857

Edward McPherson, in writing to his father, expresses his intention to visit a Mrs. Carson and mentions seeing other friends. McPherson also comments on the state of the stock market.

Sept. 6.


My dear Father --

I reached Phila. at 10 last night-- too late to call upon Mrs. Carson who, I understand, was expected here yesterday. With a view to surprise her & escort her on her way home, I made every effort to get off from N.Y. in the 2 o'clock boat, as I supposed she could take that train. I was 15 minutes too late & was compelled to wait until 6 in the eveg.-- I intended getting up in the morning to meet her at the depot, but being more than usually tired, overslept myself.--Please tell Mr. Carson of my efforts.

I saw Hen. Duehler & Mr. [unclear: Nead] when I arrived, & recd. Mother's letter by the former. This morning, I

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recd. yours enclosing two others.--

[unclear: Jos.] [unclear: Mchaffey] & Wm. M.'s wife are at the St. Lawrence. They came yesterday, & will go home tomorrow. They report all well at Marietta.

Andw. has been very much [deleted: ] tired the last few weeks, but looks well. N.Y. is crowded to overflowing, & our Hotels are filling up.

I have nothing new to write, & must be brief, as there is an accumulation of business to [deleted: atte] transact.

Love to Mother,



Money is very tight here today. The market will be unsettled for some time.

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