Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: William McAllen to Edward McPherson, May 16, 1860

William McAllen thanks Edward McPherson for his help concerning a legal matter.

Hon. Edw'd McPherson

May 16th 1860

Gettysburg, Pa.

Dear Sir,

In accordance with your polite and kind offer, I take the liberty to enclose to you, two affidavits to sustain the claim of Mrs Mary Duncan for Bounty [unclear: Laid] for services of her deceased husband, Adam S. [unclear: S.] Duncan in [unclear: War] of '12. Hitherto we had made no further progress in the prosecution of the claim [added: (so far as proof of the services went)] than the filing of the affidavit of John McFinney which was rejected by the Dep.

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on the ground that the witness was a deserter and therefore disqualified from testifying. We had [illeg.] witnesses on hand, (Shiller) but how to render [unclear: McFinney's] affidavit competent or find another witness has been the difficulty-- This we conceive is now entirely removed by the affidavits enclosed. There is on file full proof of the marriage, widowhood, identity of the applicant &, and the death of the soldier, and with the testimony which we have now been so fortunate as to obtain, we cannot imagine any defect, irregularity or insufficiency to exist--

The No of the application is 280383. The delay has been unavoidable, here as the proof could not be sooner obtained.

Please have the enclosed affidavits presented to the [illeg.] of [deleted: ] and yourself informed of his action.

I found myself in such indifferent health, that I concluded I had better be at home and left W. on Wednesday evening. My business with the foresaid was in a very unsatisfactory condition.

I beg leave to repeat my most sincere thanks for your very kind and [deleted: ] ongoing attention and highly valued good offices to [deleted: ] and myself when in W.

My father is much obliged for the Directory and P. O. book you so kindly and at no little trouble obtained for him.

Very Respectfully
Yours tr

Wm Mc Allen

P.S. Has anything been done by Congress, conferring authority -- on the Secy of the Interior to issue Duplicates of lost land Warrants, or is the Dep. still refusing to issue them? Your answer will again much oblige me, hoping that you will not put yourself to much trouble about the latter inquiry
WmMc A

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