Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: S. E. Zimmerman to Mary C. Baylor, November 18, 186x

Mary Baylor's friend, S. E. Zimmerman writes about the death of her young daughter Florence, and mentions the death of Emma, the young daughter of Mary's brother Charles. Zimmerman also writes about her desire to return to Augusta county if the war doesn't escalate.

Nov 18th

Wytheville Va

Dear Mary

I have received both of your letters and was very glad to hear from you all but was very sorry they were written under such painful circumstances. when I received your first letter I was in hopes that Florence would recover, but the Lord seen fit to take her from this world of sorrow and trouble and therefore we ought not grumble or complain she has escaped all trouble and suffering that is to come on us yet if the war don't soon end. There is no sign of it ending very soon, oh that it would end before every body is ruined, it is much better for little Florence to die and have her Ma and Pa than for them to have to leave her, for there is no one like a Mother to her babe, no one has lost a dearer babe than I it is a hard trial to know that she is gone from me forever, but I can go to her and therefore I am reconciled, and know that she is better off. Mary I have no news of importance to write to you to night I am looking for Sue Perkins this week give my love to your Ma Pa and all the family Tell Lizzie I will write to her soon I wrote to Mother today George is not well yet but is getting better every day [unclear: sis] is as fat as ever they both kissed me for you before they went to bed give my love to your brothers wife and tell her I sympathise with very much I was very sorry to hear of her little girls death. I am so lonesome to night Will has gone to the Saltworks I would like to spend another winter in old Augusta, Will talks very strong of coming down in the spring to live if nothing happens, you must excuse this badly written and uninteresting letter write often and with all the news.

Your aff friend

S E Zimmerman

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