Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: John Quincy Adams Nadenbousch to Hester J. Nadenbousch, September 10, 1863

Nadenbousch has sent a messenger to his wife and asks her to relay information through him regarding the state of affairs at home and the possibility of moving the family to Staunton. He has rented a house there and sends directions to prepare for the trip.

September 10/63

Staunton Virginia


This man will bring any written or verbal information you wish to send to me if you think best tell him all you want to say to me or if safe write it without putting your name

Tell me how you get along by way of help as you have no servants, how the children get along if at school & where, how the mill goes on, if you have plenty of everything if in anyway molested or interfered with

How Staub gets along &c &c.

Say if you have ascertained whether or not you will be allowed to move & bring your household effects if so are you ready to come out I have a house rented in the country plenty of room in good neighborhood but it would not do to move without house effects as things can't be had here if can move state when you can come You would have to get say 3 teams there [added: buy] Uncle James G - Wagon let John get my 3 horses & put some persons other horse to make up team & get 2 other teams Making 3 & have them to come to Woodstock there I would meet them with other teams & let the two 2 hired return the one bought I would keep Uncle James G - said I could get his wagon

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some one could drive it out not as ours but as if to return & then buy or hire a 2 horse carriage [added: Cousin] James Miller's might be gotten & David Miller might drive you up or James Chenoweth or any other careful person All the teams &c belonging there will be allowed to return home without molestation

Now do see to this at once and let me know what can be done as if move it should be done before cold weather We should have 1 or 2 calf skins 1 side of upper & 1 or 2 sides sole leather brought along Moses can see to this & sent out toward Winchester to be gotten as come along or put it in wagons at home if allowed the negroes are all well here some here with me

Write or tell this man all about this matter

Yours ever


If necessary I will make application to the authorities for you to move. some careful person should be put in our house before you start but with to send me word before starting

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