Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: George W. Imboden to John McCue, February 12, 1861

George Imboden argues for secession, but admits "my opinion is contrary to the opinion of the people."

Feby 12h 1861


Dear John

Your draft on J D. Imboden came to hand through the Valley Bank and John was out of town, and to save protest I paid it, and I have drawn on you at 30 days which I hope you will accept payable at the Bank in Howardsville. or some other Bank and enclose Back to me. as I can not draw directly on you through the Bank, [unclear: will you] accepting the draft payable at some Bank.

I have no news of interest to write We are all well, and John's Family are well. John takes his defeat like all other defeated candidates. Who wished to have their name placed on the Book of fame, or declaration of independence. Of course I mean nothing personal!

I think Virginia has turned fool, but my opinion is contrary to the opinion of the people and I will awate the arbitrament of time to prove who

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is right! I can in a few lines tell you where I stand, I am in favor of a united South, first last and all the time, whether right or wrong I go with the South. I am anti- disunion and anti coercion, but the union is dissolved and what's the use to shut our eyes to the fact, if we cannot reconstruct let's all go together peacibly if we can, forcibly if we must. for we have but one and the same destiny, one and the same interest, then what's the use to deny the true state of the case, and fool & cheat the people by singing hozanahs to the union when there is no union! I am called a fire eater disunionist &c &c, but I dont care what they call me, I am going to say what I think and believe, and let consequences take care of themselves.

Hoping you are well
I remain
Yours Truly

G. W. Imboden

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