Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: Geraldine McGuffin to John B. McGuffin, [no date]

Geraldine McGuffin writes to her cousin, John B. McGuffin, with news from home, including other members of the extended McGuffin family. She also writes that she has fallen in love with a cousin of hers from Louisiana. Although there is no date, the tone of the letter possibly places it in the early years of the war.

Dearest John

I received your dear letter & was beginning to think you had forgotten your coz who loves you so dearly" John we are all well except Pa he has a [unclear: felling] on his [unclear: hand] he has suffered very much" I have no news to tell you we have been very busy sewing for you soldiers John if you want anything more send me word I will do anything in the world for you, I cannot do much but will do all I can & that is not much" I gave your little message to Sallie she said bless his dear heart". I have been out to see Aunt Ann she frets

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so much about you & Charlie. John we are going to send you something nice soon, Uncle Tempsays he has an [unclear: Old] Ham he is going to send you & I have made some nice pickles for you. I ashore you, you are not forgotten, I never go to bed without thinking of you. I hope the dark cloud that now hangs so heavily over our country will soon break forth in Glory" But O' how threatening it now seems" John I have a secret for for your ear, I have met & parted with one who is all the world to me, & who do you think it is could you guess, he is a cousin you know I all ways so unfortunate falling in love

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with Cousins. he lives faraway was on a visit we met & now we are parted for six week you can guess the rest" we parted last Sunday he to go to his distant home last evening I received his Picture from I know not where, somewhere on the road & what a surprise. He lives in Louisiana you can guess who it is"

John Bill Cochran is in Staunton a member of Capt Lilley company the Augusta Lee Rifles" John do take good care of yourself. give my love to Charlie & tell him to write to me soon John I expect to start away to teach week after next going to [illeg.] McCormicks, write soon

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so I can hear from you before I go. I am glad you are going to write to me, I will always let [unclear: them] hear from you.

John I must close I have written in a great hurry. I had an opportunity of sending a letter to day, don't forget to write I will always write, I feel it to be a great pleasure.

May he whose eye never slumbers nor sleeps watch over & protect you is the prayer of your

ever loving


All send love to you & Charlie I havent time to write all the words we all hope to see you soon - Be Good G.

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