Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: David H. Evans to Mary Anna Sibert, January 22, 1870

Evans writes his wife, Mary Anna Sibert, that her father's illness has delayed their return home.

Jan 22 1870


My Dear Wife

I wrote you on Yesterday that we would be home to day your Pa was taken Sick in Washington on last Wednesday night with the Cramp Colick we came as far as this place we had to lay over your Pa was too Sick to travel further. he is better this Morning. I Sent a Telegram to John A Noon last Night to take out just as Soon as he Recd it. I Recd one from him This Morning & from the tone of his Telegram I dont think he Sent My out last night I wantted Ma to get it in time to Come down on the train this Morning, for it May be Severl Days be fore your Pa will be abel to travel [illeg.] your Pa would be better Satisfied if Ma was here to wate on him.

[page 2]
I have bin well my Self I never injoyed better health in my life I hope you are all well at home Diana & all are well


The Dr dont think your Pa is in any Danger he Says the ride from Washington was too greate under taken [deleted: for] for him he was too [deleted: weake] wek to travel if he had of Sayed over in [deleted: Washn] Washington he would not have have this Spel

I think [illeg.] your Pa will be abel to Make the trip home by Thursday if not Sooner. I am Sorry Ma did not get the Telegram in time to come to Day.

love to all

I Send love & Kiss to you I have thought of you ever Day Since I have bin a way good bye. Write Soon to me.

Your afect Husband

D H Evans

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