Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: E. J. Evans to David H. Evans, August, 1868

E. Evans writes to David Evans in outrage over a perceived insult which he will hold David accountable for. He goes so far as to threaten to come to Staunton and "cowhide" David in the middle of Main Street.

Agt th/68


Mr Evans

I recived a verry inSulting letter from you to day wich I will hold you reSpancible for. I Meant Exacly what I Said in Joh's letter about it Was for the want of cense you Showed that letter. I Suppose you did not care if it had bean confiscated. this of course made very little diferance to you

I Would like to Know Sir by What author ty you have to take a private letter & exibet it around it did not concern you in the least & the letter was not written to you & of course it was none of your buissness at all. to Say the least of it it was a great

[page 2]
peace of preSunion in you

I dont Know what you mean When you Say curcumstancies conneted with the [unclear: firm] We are Not ignorant Sir of your Small opinion of H & My [illeg.] Self for their has bean a nuff coming from you against us that you perhaps think we are ignorant of but you are MistaKen. you have Said Some verry hard things about us in the last three Month wich we have paid no attenion to I could refer to Some if I felt So disposed but I will refrain at present but it May become Nesscary in the future to Say Something about them in regard to the Tobaca I Shant Say one woord to you about it for it is none of yor buisness

Now Sir their is one thing wich I want to call your Specal attenion to & it is this you Say I have written a dirick falsehood or in plain lye . Now Sir this is more than I can Stand I Know Exacly what I wrote & John underStands all about it, but for you to put down in black & White that I am a liar is Something Sir that I dont take from No Man, and if you dont take it back I Shall get on the Stage & come to Staunton & Settle it by Moore than woords. Now I Mean Evry Woord I Say and will cary it out you have got to retrack or I will cowhide you on Main Street & will give you the privlige of preparing [deleted: ] the [unclear: Same]

Joh B Evans can testify wether I told any thing but truth he Knows a little More about it than you he Knows things that you dont

E. J. Evans

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