Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: David H. Evans to Mary Anna Sibert, June 10, 1868

Evans explains why he spends so much energy in making his fortune, and maintains that there are good uses for wealth. He apologizes to Sibert for his failure to visit, gives family news, and announces plans to visit on Saturday.

June 10th 1868


My dear Mollie

Your dear letter of the 4th came Safely to hand & gave me much plesure to heare that you were well. I was exstremly sorry I disappointed you on last Saturday. My Business was of Such a Nature I could Not posibley leave if I live I will be down this coming Saturday. My Brother left for home on Yesterday I did not like to give him up he is my favort Brother. Our friends Cold us twin Brothers for we were to gether all the time that he was in Staunton. Magnus read a letter from your

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Pa on Yesterday they rived Safely your Pa & Ham were quite well I Suppose Magnus will Send the letter down to your Ma by to days Mail. You Express the wish in your letter that I will Never love money. I must confess that all my Energey is amed at making a fortune the reason I Strive to do so is to make others comferbley & happy & for them to have all the comforts of this world. Some have abused the wealth that God has placed in there hands hording it up it dus them no good or there famley Such Persons is a Curse to them Selves & those that Surround them

While on the other hand

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others use there wealth in permoting the Interest of the Community in which they live in relaving the wants of the Poor, & giving there famleys all the comforts of this world. I cant agree with you that wealth takes a way all tender & holy affection from the heart wealth nor any thing Else on this Earth can Step in between Husband & wife if they do they have never truly loved Each other

oh I would like so much to See your dear face it has bin so long Since we have Seen Each other it Seames as tho it has bin months Since I have seen you my love. A few more days if God Spares

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my life I will See you. See the one that I truly & devotedly love one that I love with all my Strenth & Soul. No one Else has a place in my heart but you [deleted: yo] & you only My love

Mr R Keofe is talking a bout coming down with me Saturday

You need not look for [illeg.] me untill after Dark I will not leave Staunton untill late a bout Six oclock

My love to your Ma, love to all my friends. Ella & famly are all well. I Send a loving Kiss to you I love you with my hole heart & Soul you & you only. Excuse this for it was written in haste


David H Evans

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