Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: David H. Evans to Mary Anna Sibert, January 28, 1869

Evans writes Sibert and urges her to come to Staunton for an extended stay. He also discusses family news and his love for her.

Jan 28th 1869


My Dear Mollie

Magnus & my Self rived home Safely on last Sabbath night your Pa & Dina left us on Tuesday for M P I hope they rived Safely I Suppose you ware Som what Surprised to See Di with your Pa I hope she will have a plesent Visit. I think the pure Mountian air will be Benefical to her health. Ella & Lola rived Safely this morning My love I did wish it had of bin you insted of Lola My love Di told me She was coming down

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next Tuesday I hope you will come down with her & Stay three or four weeks with us in Staunton. Ada Sayes she wants to go home that she is tyerd of Staunton So if She gos why you can stay with Ella & let Ada go back with Di I do hope you will come with Di I think if we can only get you down we will then keep you I would have prevaled on you Staying last Saturday but you had bin a way from home so long & that you ware anxouse to see them all at home if you Came with Di I dont think we can let you

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go back So when you Come you can make up your mind to Stay for Some time Ada has bin here long a nuf it is time She was going home & let you Come & Stay a wile. My love I felt Very lonely after I Came home last Sabbath I missed you So Much I did wish last Sabbath that I could Stay with you oh I did dislike to leave you my love I love you with unchanging devotion of my heart & Soul I love only you of all on Earth no one can ever take my love from you it is all entirely yours & I love you with all the deep & unchanging

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devotion of my heart & Soul my love I am happy & Contented in loving you only & I ever shall love you while I live I love you only of all in this world.

I would like very much to come up next Saturday but it will be imposible for me to do so I will be up Saturday week if I live & you do not come down to Stay which I hope you will.

My love to Ham Pa Ma love to all.

I send a loving Kiss you my love I love you with my whole heart & Soul mind & Strenth & ever Shall as long as I live Write to Me Soon.

Yours Lovingly

D H Evans

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