Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: William L. Evans to David H. Evans, October 24, 1867

Evans continues an earlier discussion with his brother about the possibilities of moving to Staunton and going into business together.

H. Evans & Bro.
Wholesale Dealers in
Tobacco, Cigars, Snuffs, Papers, &c.

October 24, 1867

Dear Bro.

Your last is to Hand I will state I could not come to Staunton to depend Entirely on the Cigar trade as I dont think it would pay us both-- but if John will give us the Entire charge of the retail I would like to Come to Staunton-- I now have a Very good Situation and it would be foolish in me to throw it up for what you state can be done in Staunton I am like Every one Else [unclear: have] a certain amount of Ambition and if I thought I could do better in S-- than I can in W-- I can assure I would not hesitate to come. I desire to get into business but to Enter into it the way you say-- dont you see it would be follish as we would have to Keep our Money seperate that would be difficult to do

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and cause some dissatisfaction if John Wishes to retire from the store why does he hesitate to give us the Entire charge both of us certainly would be competent to attend to it-- you must write soon again and try Jno- again; We are all Well Business good love to all

Your Truly

Wm L. Evans

I did think I would come to Staunton but I cant get of as business require all my attention & is not at home much-- I want to come at Christmas
Wm L. Evans

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