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Augusta County: Mary Anna Sibert to David H. Evans, December 20, 1867

Sibert shares her thoughts on the recent wedding of her sister and reports on the happiness of her sister and new brother-in-law in the first days of their marriage.

December 20th 1867

Mt. Solon Va.

Mr. D.H. Evans,

Your dear, & truly welcome letter of the 19th came in due time. I thought Mr. Jones never would come Tuesday night but when he did arrive tho' late he brought your dear valued letter. I thanked God to hear of your good health Indeed you can't tell how glad I was to have you write that you would come down Saturday. if you come I will go up with you Sunday if God is willing. Ma is well again, & says I may go back with you. [illeg.] anxious to spend my Christmas with you. [deleted: ] wish you were [illeg.] to night. one week since I saw you last but to me the time seems like months. Ma rec'd [illeg.] long letter from Rennie & her husband to day. he writes that he is the happiest man in the world, that he has the dearest & best wife on Earth & he advises all gentlemen to marry if they can find such a good & loving wife as he has & just so Rennie writes of her husband. she says she never was [illeg.] happy in all her life & that she has the dearest & best husband in the world. I will read their letter to you when you come. I [illeg.] they are very happy are boarding with [illeg.]. Mr. Estell was

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in Monday asked Ada when I was to be married. she told him she did not know when. Both gentlemen & ladies who were here the night of Rennie's marriage said you were so handsome & fine looking. I have so much to tell you. I can't write all but will tell you when we meet again, Which I hope will be day after tomorrow. (Saturday) I have heard so many said I looked beautiful on the 10th but I only wanted to be so to your dear observing eyes. I am not vain for I never [illeg.] see that I am Even pretty. I want to be [illeg.] for your sake what others say or think [illeg.] my personal appearance I can not [illeg.] I know how much you admire beauty in woman. Mr. John Ferror was here yesterday. I had promised to spend a week with them soon during the holidays, & if I go with you I shall disappoint them all well they must wait until after the holidays. I can Excuse myself any time I would rather be with you because I love you best, & when with you I don't want to be with any one els. I have so much to tell & to ask you that I can scarcely wait until you come. Ma is rather looking for cousin Jo Sibert Christmas as she will be the only [illeg.] here to receive

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him if I go to Staunton with you. Ada & Stuart are going to see Miss Carrie Wise so they say & I want to be with you who I love more fondly, & truly then all on Earth & I only wish you could be with me now Come Saturday if you live & I will go back with you. here comes Hamie to tease me so I can't write with any thing like I would wish to you. Ada & H_ B_ are playing checkers in the room where I am writing. if this is not a good letter do not blame me.

Oh! I am so glad you are coming Saturday for I do want to see your dear face so much & I want to go with you I don't want to be here Christmas. I hope God is willing that I should not be here then. May He in His mercy help me to resist temptation, & always do right. Come for me Saturday God grant that you may come I love you only with deep devotion. my heart & its unchanging affection are yours

May our Father in Heaven bless, & guide you is the Earnest prayer of one who truly loves you. Come! please come! for I do want to see your dear face. Ma sends love to you. I send love, & a kiss. Goodnight Love me. I love you Oh! so truly.


Mollie Sibert

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