Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: John Quincy Adams Nadenbousch to Hester J. Nadenbousch, November 1, 1863

Nadenbousch writes his wife and announces arrangements are going forward to open the hotel he has purchased. He regrets his wife will not be able to join him in Staunton, but suggests that perhaps Freddy should be sent as a cure for his "reckless" behavior. He also discusses supplies he would like sent.

Nov 1/63

My Dear Hester

I again write you. I am well. have not heard from you for some time We are now arranging to start the Hotel every one seems interested in its being opened, will open in about one month I am sorry you would not be allowed to move out with your houshold effects I expect you had better abandon the Idea for the present. I will write you when can on the subject I am sorry to hear Freddy is getting so reckless. try & keep him in his proper place kind words will doubtless control him best if he was here he could go to school & be company for me if you all agree and he is willing I may try and get him to come out here Some safe person would bring him talk to him about it but do nothing in the premises without having it fully understood with me first Send me word on this subject Try & secure as many of the articles I wrote you about as can I want a lot of plane green window blinds say 200 yds I wrote to Cousin M- she might furnish them if will get John or some one to

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Send them to me Send to Mr Harrison Bowers at Winchester & I can get them Have other things or in order lay in full winter supplies try & send me word how you all are getting along &c&c My love to all

God bless you all

Yours ever

JQA Nadenbousch

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