Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: John Quincy Adams Nadenbousch to Hester J. Nadenbousch, May 28, 1864

Nadenbousch writes his wife with reports of casualties in the Confederate Army. He reports on his health and hotel business. He also urges her to send news from home, especially regarding confiscation. He sends a message to his children and discusses his domestic life.

May 28[added: 28]/64
May 28[added: 28]/64

Staunton Va

Dear Hester

As an other oppertunity offers, I write hoping that it may reach you. I am now improving in health Dr Murphy stoped with us a few days I got him to prescribe for me. I have since been taking his medicine and with quite good effect I feel more relief than from anything taken before I hope I may soon recover I have suffered much since I was taken

Im still running the Hotel but there is not much doing now being but little travel since the commencement of the fighting on the Rapid Ann. I heard from the men from our section of country since the fighting Capt Kirk Hammond

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was wounded & died Lt John S Harrison was wounded in the thigh flesh wound doing quite well now in Richmond let M rs Young know it John Riddle slightly wounded on lip. Thomas [unclear: Meirkle] wounded on arm (here doing well Lt C. L. Drebbing wounded in arm flesh- is here doing well Porterfield Snodgrass is here & nearly well of his old wound all of M r Hunters sons were well when last heard from Lt Robert Stewart was safe when last heard from also Lt Cunningham & Geo Reamer safe. Maj Gen l J. E. B. Stewart was wounded & died

Reports from Lees Army say that things are going allright for him There has been some heavy fighting there. I have been waiting anxiously for a chance to get home but

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I see none as yet. I am so anxious to be with you. I do wish you were here or me there. I am sorely tired of this way living & am anxious for a change for the better. M rs Thomas & family & Miss Fanny Snodgrass are here & some two other families which makes some company and the little children running about makes it feel more like home than formerly but I hope this state of things wont exist long & that we may soon be together to remain so for all time M rs Hersch who visited you sometime ago, gave me word that you were well &c &c- why did you not write by her. you are too cruel keeping me in such suspense for a little writing when you have so many chances to write & don t but I hope you will make amends

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for this cruelty. I am anxious to hear what Walker did &c &c Tell me what the confiscating officer did with you

Dont give one inch for any of them the confiscation is all [unclear: gammon] and will end in smoke

I have nothing of interest to write you know Louise is well Jenny also Henry has the whooping caugh I have not heard from Jack & his family for some time but presume they are well. Louise is now keeping house carrying keys & attending to store rooms found a white housekeeper unproffitable

To the children I do wish you were all here with me but as we are now separated, be good & kind try & learn fast keep about home & out of mischief we will soon be together

remember me kindly to all friends

God bless & protect you ever

good night


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