Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: George Junkin to Francis McFarland, January 19, 1861

Junkin writes to McFarland discussing views of fellow ministers on the question of secession.

Jan. 19 1861


Dear Br. McFarland,

Enclosed find eight dollars: to pay my Repertory for the years 1860 & 1861. And my son Ebenezer D. Junkin's for 1861.

Please forward with proper direction for his = Brownsburgh-Mine for Jan. has arrived & I see it does not approve of Dr Palmer's sermon. I have not seen the sermon, but only an extract, which I deemed, execrable.

The first article in the Rep. is condemned by the two colours, White Brown, but I cant see why. We are in fearful times, but the Lord reigneth & I have no serious fears for the issue. I feel like Gen. Jackson-"the Union must & shall be preserved" and "their object is disunion; but be not deceived, disunion, by armed force, is treason." I hope no one will be hung, tho' a few deserve it. I have no confidence in man's wisdom; but as I said in my last baccalaureate, God made this government & he will not let man destroy it.

We are well & the College gets along quietly.

Your brother,

Geo. Junkin

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