Augusta County: Hannah M. Berry to Thomas M. Smiley, [1861]
Discusses home front news including church news and individuals home on leave.
Thomas M. Smiley
Moffets Creek
Dear Cousin
I will make one more attempt to answer the welcome epistle I received from you several months ago I am ashamed that it has been so long neglected
but as this is my third attempt I hope you will forgive me this time and I'll endeavor to be more punctual hereafter. How have you
been standing Camp Life since your visit at home wish you could have stayed longer we all feel
so lonesome since so many of you have been at home and gone we have Captain McKerry to visit now. Annie and I spent the evening with him
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did not find him in very good spirits looks badly was not
suffering much from his wound but he certainly has suffered from the appearance of his wound
now it looks very badly indeed he says he never has felt weak until after he was moved home but
stood the trip home very well I think if Annie Buck would come down it would raise his spirits
very much don't think he will be able to go up soon for he has only
set-up a few minute since he came home has no use of his leg at all think he is discouraged about that which is the source of
his being so low spirited
I have not spoken to Billie Fulton since he came home got sight of him at church last Sunday
but that was all I was surprised to know that he would come
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home under such circumstances I don't know
whether the wealthy Mr Echard is at home now or not he never calls
here. & I know very little about him I understood you all elected a Lieutenant but did not hold his office long suppose he felt a little
cheap when he had to give his office up but I imagine he would have had you all under arrest
before this time from what I have heard if he had [illeg.] been your Lieutenant yet. How is Cousin Jimmie Mc getting
along heard from [illeg.] some of your Company this week that
he had been writing letters for six days and as I have received
none from him I imagine he intends slighting me as usual. I have heard from several of the boys
this week all speak of having a Chaplain and preaching
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or prayer meeting every night don't think
worthwhile to tell his name where he is from what denomination
he is of or anything about him these questions have been asked me by several persons but have
so far been unable to answer any of them how has Mr John Beard been getting along since he returned to camp suppose he has written to his Dear
] several times since he left guess he must have taken it very hard as I know he had
been crying all the way from there down here but don't blame him. You
must all come home to Presbytery the 4th of September and bring
Cousin Lane [unclear: Caerose] with you think he might afford to come home to see his
old man(as he calls Captain Mc) then if not
before that time Mr Junkin preaches in Newport tomorrow week hope Mr Harris will not be there
as I don't want to hear him preach anymore
for I know he is a real Yankee
We have no Bible Class tomorrow as Mr Junkin expects to be absent and I am glad for we have an unmerciful hard and long lesson think we ought to have two weeks at it I must bring this epistle to a close as it is out of news my best love to Cousins Jimmie Buck Samuel Carson and all any other acquaintances receiving a large share for yourself I bid you adieu hoping you will write Soon & I will follow your example
I remain as ever your true friend and Cousin
Please excuse mistakes bad writing &c all send much love to you all