Valley Personal Papers

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Augusta County: John P. Dull to Giney Dull, December 1, 1864

Dull explains reorganization of men into different companies.

Dec 1 1864

Camp near new market

Dear Giney

I take this opportunity to write you a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope you enjoy the same great blessing we reached camp yesterday eve we left Staunton last Saturday in the afternoon had a pretty hard march manyof the men are very much broken down I stood the march very well except my feet got very sore we are now in camp near new Market. This is a noisy place thereis a quantity of men here. we have all gonein different companies in the Fifth Regiment that is the men from our neighborhood Clemmer Cale Cochran and myself a several others have joined the middlebrook company Charley Baylor is in command of the company at this time there was but twelve men in the company when we came to it includingofficers and all things are quiet here at this time a regards any movement in the army how long it will remain so I cannot tell. the Yankees are 10 or twelve miles below here I would have joined [illeg.] 52 Regiment if [unclear: Liewis] had beenthere but I thought as he was not there I would not, our neighborhood men all wanted me to go with them, there is no chance to go to cavalry; there was about 75 men from our county came with us some more are on the road. I had thought to get home from Staunton but could not get a pass I could have gone without one but did not like to do it

[page 2]
I intend to act honorable awhile and see how it will go. how long we will be held I cannot tell but hope it will not last a lifetime, Dear Giney my trust is in God by his grace I wish to live so as to be prepared for life or death I want you to pray for me that I may havegrace and strength from on high to guide me through whatever I may have to pass and if it be his will bring us Soon together again if not O may we meetwhere parting is knowing now more such a hope is all that bears one up we have this privilege God grant us grace to do his will is my daily prayer. I have attended several prayermeetings since we left Richmond. while there I was at preaching often, there is some very good praying men in the army I hope that our heavenly Father may take care of you and provide for you in my absence, Kiss Nely, for me and tell her to be a good child

I must stop soon I am writing laying on a blanket. write me soon and let me know how you are getting along I have not heard from home since I [unclear: left] Direct your letter to John P. Dull Co.D. 5 Va Infantry Stonewall brigade
Gordons[unclear: Disis]

John. P. Dull

John P Dull
Co. D. 5th Va Infantry
Stonewall Brigade
Gordons Division

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