Augusta County: J.J. Sibert to Mrs. Lorenzo Sibert,
June 25, 1861
Sibert writes to his mother, reporting on a minor engagement with Union troops
and asking her to send him an article of clothing.
June 25 1861
Camp Davis
My Dear
I received yours of the 15 In due time just about the
time I expected one from your. My letters all come straight to me that you send by members of the company. by mail. I cannot
say what be come of them or where they go to. I would like to see you all very
much but I cannot come home before the last of July
or August furlough are very
hard to get [unclear: now] but [unclear: mebrs] of Families can
get them & they have hard work I do not
[page 2]
want to come home before I have a fight & I
have been waiting for a fight for some time, but have never had it I begin to think that we will
never have one I understand that the Quartermaster was ordered not to buy any more
provisions, for the Southern Army, If this Is the
case, Old Abe has
a notion to acknowledge
the Southern Confederacy that Is the report here our
camp is about ten miles from the Federal troops our pickets gone down as they are stationed
[page 3]
by order of Colonel Harper one of
them was shot day before yesterday through the stomach he is now very low
& suffers
very much he Is a member of the Augusta Cavalry Dallas
is his name I think he is from Staunton &
clerked for Ben Crawford If not mistaken he was
shot from the Maryland side & another one came
very near getting shot
but [illeg.] protected him from being killed our
pickets are placed so
it won't be half so dangerous now the way this man got
shot was not at all
fair nor did
[page 4]
It show one spark of bravery
they outnumbered our men & went down close
to the river side & laid down In a wheat field & hid themselves from our men & waited until they got In good gun shot, & then they
all fired on those two men I do not
consider that very brave
this poor young man certainly will die. Tell papa that Sam Patterson is here. He that used to haul manganese for him at [unclear: warmest]
[unclear: now] he is here a member of the
Augusta Rifles he sends a great deal of love to Pap
& so does all of the men that worked for him
Dick Taylor says that he would give [illeg.]
[unclear: most] to see [illeg.] I would
like for you to make me a calico shirt if you can something with a small figure purple will be
best make it if you can with two
pockets on the outside make it short without much [unclear: tale] my love to all
the children
from your affectionate son