Augusta County: J.J. Sibert to Mrs. Lorenzo Sibert,
June 25, 1861
Sibert writes to his mother, reporting on a minor engagement with Union troops
and asking her to send him an article of clothing.
June 25 1861
Camp Davis
My Dear
I recvd yours of the 15 In due time just about the
time I expected one from your. My letters all come straite to me that you send by members of the company. by mail. I cannot
say what be come of them or whear they go to. I wold like to see you all veary
much but I cannot come home be fore the last of July
or August furloug are veary
hard to get [unclear: now] but [unclear: mebrs] of Families can
get them & they have hard work I doe not
[page 2]
want to come home be fore I have a fight & I
have been waiting for a fight for some time, but have never had it I be gin to think that we we will
never have one I under stand that the Qur Master was ordered not to buy any more
provisions, for the Souther Army, If this Is the
case, Old Abe hase
anotion to acknowlag
the Southern Confederacy that Is the report hear our
camp is about ten miles from the Federal troops our pickates gone down as they are stationd
[page 3]
by order of Col Harper one of
them was shot day be for yesterday thru the stomach he is now vear low
& sufers
veary much he Is a member of the Augusta Cavalry Dallas
is his name I think he is from Saunton &
clirked for Ben Crawford If not mistaken he was
shot from the Md side & another one came
veary near geting shot
but [illeg.] protected him from being kild our
pickates are plaist so
it want be half so dangerous now the way this man got
sho was not atall
fare nor did
[page 4]
It show one spark of bravery
they out nombed our men & went down close
to the river side & laid down In a wheat field & hid them selfs from our men & waited un till they got In good gun shot, & then they
all fired on those two men I do not not
considder that veary brave
this poor young man certainly will die. Tell papa that Sam Patterson is hear. He that us to hall manganese for him at [unclear: warmest]
[unclear: now] he is hear a member of the
Augusta Rifles he send a great deal of love to Pap
& so dose all of the men that worked for him
Dick Taylor says that he would give [illeg.]
[unclear: most] to see [illeg.] I wold
like for you to make me a calico shirt if you can some
thing with a small figuer purple will be
best make it if you can with tow
pockates on the outside make it short with out much [unclear: tale] my love to all
the childran
good By
from your aff son