Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to
Roswell Waldo, December 17, 1868
McDonnell's letter to Waldo concerns invoices for clothing.
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters. 9t
Sub District
R. Waldo
Assistant Sub Assistant Commissioner
Staunton, Virginia
December 17. 1868
In reply to your letter of 14 inst. this day received, you are respectfully informed that the [unclear: Gt] & [illeg.]: Coats (15 each) Invoiced to you by Major White are the same as these sent by Major Brown & that your receipt has been cancelled and the Invoices returned to Major White, they having already been receipted for by me, though [unclear: incorrectly] described.
All the clothing you are expected to account for is that enumerated in my letters of 14t & 15t inst.
As certificates that this has been properly accounted of & an examination of accounts has to be made before final payment, it is important that all [unclear: assessments? ] should be sent in as early as 25t as mentioned in my previous letter.
Very Respectfully
John A. McDonnell
Sub Assistant Commissioner