Freedmen's Bureau Records: John A. McDonnell to
Roswell Waldo, December 17, 1868
McDonnell's letter to Waldo concerns invoices for clothing.
Bureau R. F. & A.
Head Qrs. 9t
Sub Dist.
R. Waldo
Staunton, Va
Dec 17. 68
In reply to your letter of 14 inst. this day received, you are respectfully informed that the [unclear: Gt] & [illeg.]: Coats (15 each) Invoiced to you by Maj White are the same as these sent by Maj. Brown & that your receipt has been cancelled and the Invoices returned to Maj. White, they having already been receipted for by me, tho' [unclear: incorrectly] described.
All the clothing you are expected to acct for is that enumerated in my letters of 14t & 15t inst.
As certificates that this has been properly acct of & an examination of accts has to be made before final payment, it is important that all [unclear: asss ] should be sent in as early as 25t as mentioned in my previous letter.
Very Respectfully
John A. McDonnell
S. A.