Valley Personal Papers

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Freedmen's Bureau Records: Allen & Latson to John W. Jordan, May 1, 1868

The law firm of Allen and Latson informs Jackson about the status of a case (of unknown circumstances).

Colonel JW Jordan,
Sub Assistant Commissioner Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Farmville, Virginia

May 1, 1868

Washington D.C.


We have the honor to inform you that we have just received [unclear: PWR's] check in favor of Edgar Allen, which we will remit to you on receipt of our fee of $10, notwithstanding his repeated importunities to send direct to him.

Very Respectfully Yours

Allen & Latson

P.S. We would say that none of the other claims received from you have been disposed of except as we have heretofore written you, A & L

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