Freedmen's Bureau Records: Allen & Latson to
John W. Jordan, May 1, 1868
The law firm of Allen and Latson informs Jackson about the status of a case (of
unknown circumstances).
Col. JW Jordan,
Asst Comr Bureau R. F. & A.
Farmville, Va
May 1, 1868
Washn D.C.
We have the honor to inform you that we have just recd [unclear: PWR's] check in favor of Edgar Allen, which we will remit to you on receipt of our fee of $10, notwithstanding his repeated importunities to send direct to him.
Very Respectfully Yours
Allen & Latson
P.S. We would say that none of the other claims recd from you have been disposed of except as we have heretofore written you, A & L