Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Orlando Brown,
February 19, 1866
How's letter attempts to settle account balances with Headquarters.
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Sixth District, Virginia
Assistant Commissioner
Richmond, Virginia
February 19 1866
Staunton, Virginia
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from Captain Geo. Q. White Assistant Quartermaster [unclear: concerning] a check for one hundred and seven (107 00/100) dollars, the receipts for which are herewith enclosed, and in reference to which I desire to state that my account Current does show a balance on hand January 31st 1866 of $444.30 but that account included a check for $300 which I have been unable to get cashed for the payment of the December indebtedness, which fact must make apparent the error of comparing the Estimate with the account Current, where a [unclear: more ] extended comparison would have shown that the December indebtedness was yet unpaid and could only be paid from funds received on estimate.
I have therefore respectfully to request that the balance of the January Estimate ($382.30) may be forwarded to me at Winchester, Virginia.
I am &c
W. Storer How