Freedmen's Bureau Records: W. Storer How to Orlando Brown,
February 19, 1866
How's letter attempts to settle account balances with Headquarters.
Bu. R. F. & A L
Sixth District, Va
Asst. Commr.
Richmond, Va
Feby 19 1866
Staunton, Va.
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a communication from Capt. Geo. Q. White AQM [unclear: concerning] a check for one hundred and seven (107 00/100) dollars, the receipts for which are herewith enclosed, and in reference to which I desire to state that my acct. Current does show a balance on hand Jany 31st 1866 of $444.30 but that account included a check for $300 which I have been unable to get cashed for the payment of the December indebtedness, which fact must make apparent the error of comparing the Estimate with the account Current, where a [unclear: more ] extended comparison would have shown that the December indebtedness was yet unpaid and could only be paid from funds received on estimate.
I have therefore respectfully to request that the balance of the January Estimate ($382.30) may be forwarded to me at Winchester, Va.
I am &c