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Franklin County: David A. Demus to Mary Jane Demus, April 4, 1865

Demus comments on the value of receiving letters and mentions his company's recent movement through Charleston, South Carolina.

Mary Jane Demus

Aprile the 4th 1865

gorge town south Carlina
Camp 54th Mass volintears

Mi Dear

I take this present opituity to Reat you a fu lines to inform you that I am Well at present and i hope

Whean these fu lines Reach you tha Ma find you in the sam state of healt Mi Dear I heave Rote thee or for letters to you But i heave bean Moveing a Rond so much that i Did Not Now

Wether you got it or Not and the last letter I Receave frum you Wiy it Was such a Nice letter that I Wos sorry that I had Rot such a letter as i Did But i hope that you Will excus Me for it for i Was very [unclear: andrun] at that tim

But Whean i got this last letter Wiy it Was [unclear: somien] lik a letter and I hope that all the Rest Will be lik it for then i am very happy to get a letter But Whean tha Cum lik tha Did for a While Wiy it gos verry hard With Me fer i hated to open the letter fer after i Wod

Read it Wiy then I Cod go of to Mi Celf and set Down and study a bout it but Now if you Wod Rit every weak Wiy it Wod Not be too often fer Me fer We heave bean [unclear: trubel] fer som tim I left the [unclear: Comasar] and jonge the Redgmen in Charston sity and then We Went to the sity of suvenayh gorges and We stad thear for too weaks and then We

left and Went Back to Charlston sity and stad theare 5 Days and then We left and Cam to gorge town south Carlina and i Cant tell how long We Will be hear fer

thear is [illeg.] [unclear: Cumey] [unclear: rdy] to pack up for to leave and i Cant tell Whear tha ar going and Now thear it is time fer Me to get Ready for dres perrade

Nothing Mor at present But still Reman

yor Dear husben

David A. Demus to his Dear Wife Mrs. Mary Jane Demus

pleas Rit son Direct yor letter to gorge town south Carlina
Camp 54th Mass voluntear
samel and Jacop and Jophes and Mi bruther gorge send his love to you Mi Dear i just haft to fall in to leave on and suppos i cant tell whear but the letter Will folo the Readgment

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