Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: David A. Demus to Mary Jane Demus, November 28, 1864

Demus comments on the value of his wife's letters and informs her that he has arrived in Hilton Head, South Carolina.

Mary Jane Demus

November the 28th 1864

hilton head south Carlina

Miy Dear Wife

i tak mi pen in hand to inform you that i am Well at present and i hope Whean thes fru lines reach you tha ma find you Well and i hope that you [unclear: inJoys] yor Celf Well on yor visit and i [unclear: lad] thee Days in [unclear: gork] be for i got of and all the [unclear: firdes] i heave got is to hilton head and i Cant tell Whean i Will get to the redgment and thear is now boates going a way fer som tim but i Jest got hear to Day and i thot i Wod rit and let you now that i got out safe and i feel verry Well onely it is verry hot hear but i hope that you Will excus this this bad riten fer i heave nothing to rite on but i Jest holde the paper in mi hand and move it as i rit but i Wonted to rit so bad that i jest rote as i Cod i thot i Wod rit but i shall rite a fool letter in a few Days Whean i get home and Can set donn and rite i so hope that you Will give mi love to all the inquirens frends and mi best love to yor Celf a mi Dear Whean i feal so bad Wiy i Jest look at Dear littel face a how happy i feal but a how sorry i Wos Whean i had to part With you but if i had a now that it Wod go so hard With me fer to leave you Wiy i Wod not a Cum hom till i Cod a Cum to stay but the time Will son run a rond but if i live to get hom a gan Wiy all the peapel in the state Wont get me a to go a gane but i hope that you Will rite som lovely letters to me so i Can set donn a read them With the grates of pleser a mi Dear how sorry i feel that i Cant set don and rit a full letter nothing mor at present but still remane

yor Dear husben

Daivd A Demus

Direct yor letter to morris iland Marry Jane Demus

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