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Franklin County: David A. Demus to Mary Jane Demus, October 12, 1864

Demus is concerned that he has not received a letter from his wife in awhile and wants to know why she has not written.

Mary Jane Demus

october the 12th

Morris iland SC 1864

Mi Dear

this Day i set mi Celf Don to inform you that i am Well at Present and i hope Whean thes fu lines reach you tha ma find you in the sam state of healt it make me feal bad to think that i have rot so meny letters and Cant get a anser frum you Whiy it is Wiy Cant tell but if thear is soming rong Wiy i Wont to now What it is and the i Will now What it is fer the bose dos get a letter frum you and i Wont to Whiy it is that i Cant fer hear i heave got for hundred and ten dolers in mi pocke and i Did not now Wether to send it to you or not fer i had not hird frum you fer so long a tim but if i Can get hom in the next bote Wiy i Will Com and then i Will find [deleted: ] What is the matter that you Dont rit the last tim that i hird frum you Wiy Jacop told me that you Wer going to send yor likeness in the nex letter but that has bean a long tim a go fer i heave Rote thee or for for letter but i never got yor likeness or a letter yet fer mi part i dont now What to think of it but this is mi last letter that i Will rit till i get one frum you and if you have for sacen me Wiy i hope that you Will rite and giv me the reasson fer it and then i Will now What to dow heare after i must bring mi letter to a Close and hear is a ring that i had bot frum the rebbels for you and i Will send it to you fer [unclear: rememers] of Dear husben David Demus but i hope that you Will excus this bad riten fer mi mind is trubel so much that i Can hardely rit eny mor

Direct yor letter Morris iland south Carlina Camp 54th Mass volintears CommyK

David Demus

to Mrs Marry Demus

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