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Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, June 15, 1864

Demus comments on his head wound and reports that soldiers in the 54th and 55th Massachusetts may not receive all the pay to which they are entitled.

Mary Jane Demus

June the 15th 1864

morris iland south calina
54th headquates

Dear Wife

i tak this present time to set don to iform you that i and Well at this present tim and i hope Whean thes fu lines reach you [unclear: that] may find you in joining the grates of pleser i am happy to say that mi healte is very good so far all that trubels me is mi head it pands me Whean it so verry hot but other Ways i am geting a long very Well and i Can get mi Distarge in a sort tim but the Capton say that tha Wont pay us thirteen Dolers a month and he say that tha Will disband the 54th and 55th and send them home and then try and [unclear: intes] us [unclear: meney] as he Can fer 7 Dolers a month bu i think that a bout the one halfe Will inlis a gan but i Wont be fit to inlis a gan but i think if nothing happen Wiy We all Will be hom in a sort tim and if not all Wiy Will be hom as son as i get mi money and i Cant tell the tim but Whean We leafe the iland i Will rite to you a a gan but you Can rite Whean you pleas the letters Will foler the redment but i hope and trust that it Wont be long till We Can se eatch other a gan face to face and We nead not to set don and rit so much but i Wod to heave yor likeness if you Can get it taken Wiy i hope that you Will send it to me as son as you Can fer Wesely Crunkel say that you ar so big and fat that he Did not now you Whean he first saw you but i sent mi likeness in the last male and i hope that you Will get it but it is not verry Well [unclear: taking] but i ant near as fat as i Was but i thot that i Wod send it fer i Cod not tell Whean i Wod heave a doler a gan but as son as i Can get a Doler a gan Wiy i Will get it taking a gan and i Will send it to you and then you Can give John Wone of them the lutenate that i Waited on Wiy he got his likeness taken and geave it to me and i Will send it hom to you to keape fer me When i Com nothing mor at present but still reman

yor Dear husben

David A Demus

un till Deth Mrs Marry Jane Demus

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