Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: David Demus to [unknown], July 26, 1863

Demus is upset that he has not received a letter in six weeks and says he wants to send 35 dollars. He also reports that he was wounded in the battle at Fort Wagner and is now in the hospital.


July the 26th 1863

David andredru Demes

i take mi pen in hand to in form you that i [unclear: amd] i hope that thes few lines ma finde you in the same state of healt i am verrey sorry to think that you Will not right and let me now how you ar geting a long i hav bean lonking fer a letter for a boat 6 Weaks and hav never got anser yet i hav got 35 dolles to send to you but i Woddin send it till you Wood right i Wish you Wod right as son as you can i am in the hosply i Was in the battle Was sot in the head But i am Abel to go a boat a gane [unclear: tomes] and Will burges Was the [unclear: thee]

yor dear frend

david demes

Direct yor letters to
buford south carliy

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