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Franklin County: Samuel Christy to Mary Jane Demus, May 14, 1864

Christy reports on friends who have been killed or wounded. He also asks about whether a railroad is being built between Greencastle and Mercersburg.

Mary Jane Demus

May the 14th 1864

Morris Island south Carelina

My Deare sister

it is with the grates of pleaser that i take this oper cunity to in form you that we a all well at present and i hope thes fue lins may find you all in joyen the same state of health give my love and best respecks to father and to [unclear: liebreth] and to all the rest of the in qiren frends i heard that thay was making a rail rode frum greencastel to mercers burg i whish you would let me now whither it is so or not John Chambers was kild fore shoure and John henry Carl was kild in the same battel bill was woundid [unclear: tricest] and he Culd [unclear: gut] away it he would Com a way when he first gut woundid the sirgen told him to goe to the rere but he stade till he gut shout the second time i dont think we will be in enny more battels soon we have move back to moris island a gane Joe is gut so big and fat that you would harly now him he was out last night him and the littel drumers boys kiling rats and he is on gard to day i am out on picket to day it is verry worm down south now the [unclear: due barrys] is ripe and [unclear: gon] we have not gut enny pay yet stand Johnson was kild since we moved back to moris island with a peace of shell one night on pickit it broke his lage in tow places i was standing Cloce by him when it struck him the rebels throd a grate meny shells that night but thay did not hurt enny one elce i have bean in form that the revernt mr robson has be com your Closis naughbers i think we will be home be [unclear: trin] this and fall pleas write soon and and let me now how [unclear: time] is i would have ancerd your letter sooner but we did not git enny mail fore theer weeks

now i must bring my letter to a Close nothen mor at present

good by

Samuel A. Christy

Samuel A. Christy to Mary J. Demis
Dave and gorge is well Derrect your letter to Moris Island south Carelina Co. J. 54th Mass. regt.

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