Franklin County: David Demus to Mary Jane Demus, April 28, 1865
Demus expresses disappointment that a letter from his wife was not waiting for him after he
returned from a recent expedition through South Carolina.
Mary Jane Demus
Aprile the 28th 1865
i tak this present optuity of Droping you a fu lines to inform you that I am Well at present and I hope Whean thes fu lines Reaches you tha Ma find you Well and all the inquiring frends
Mi Dear i Must say to you that i heave Jest Com back frum the expedison thru the state of South Carlina Wee Was [unclear: gon] on the [unclear: as] for Weaks and We travel a bout thee hundrd Miles thru the state and i thot sor that tha Wod be a letter in Camp for Me but Whean the Male Whas give out Wiy it peard that every body got got letters but Me i Did Not Now Whot had happen and I Went to the Base and som had got a letter frum lisey but it Did Not say eny thing a Boute you
sowe i thod i Wod Drop a fu line to you in the last letter you spoak a bute Mary had sent Me hir forthaph but you Can tell Marry that I heave Never Receave it yet
I heave got a bad head ake i Must Close Mi letter Biy biden you god biy
Nothing Mor at present but still Reman
yor husben
David Demus