Valley Personal Papers

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Franklin County: William Christy to Mary Jane Demus, October 24, 1863

Christy inquires about the garden at home and predicts that he will not return home anytime soon.

Mary Jane Demus

october the 24 1863

My Der sister

i take my pen inhande to inform you that we are all well at presnt and i hope that thes few lins may find you in the same state of helhe Daved is geting Well george is Well at present but We are in the sandey south We are on morres island yet and we donte know how long we will stay i saw Willey Christey abut amonh ago he was well when isaw him laste

[unclear: thay] are camps on folley island and [unclear: tha] dont comacross the river and We cant goacross to their camp and we cant get to see enney of them im begining to think that you hav figut to rite to i did not anser the laste letter ihad on time to rite when i gut your letter and now i have gut time to rite now when you rite agane let me know how the nabers is geting along inever git to hir how how thay are geting along i would lketo [unclear: now] [unclear: higbes] are getting along i wonte expect to git home before my time is up if iliv it is safer that itwood take along time to get home and this is whay isay that iwood not get home before my time is up ino that you all wood beglad to see us all at home wons more iwood like to see you all wonst more when you rite agane letme know how the garden is this year and the potatos is this year ino you miss me at home btut i am far away from home ino that the farmer misses us mr. [unclear: puters] an missis jacob

this is all that i have at present and i will now fetch my letter to aclose pleas to rite soon and direct your letters to William W. Christey Morres island Co. J 54 Mass. Regt

William W Christey

Morres island Co J 54 Massachusets regt SC by the way of hilten head

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